Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Happy (almost) 1st Pastoral & Church Anniversary to us!

When we were ordained and concurrently installed as pastors of a church that had been inactive for over two years and where there were absolutely no preexisting members, we didn't know what to expect. Though we'd both been licensed ministers for many years, pastoring wasn't an assignment that either of us had ever aspired to... but it was one that God ordered. So, we obeyed His will, prayed for His direction, followed His lead, and served wholly in His calling. And God has been faithful.

It's difficult to believe that in just four days, a full year will have passed since that July 10th date in 2016 when we stood before a congregation that consisted of family members and supporters and accepted our divine assignment. This hasn't at all been an easy task. In the midst of the highs, joys, and rewards; there have been many days of lows, frustrations, and sacrifices. But it's all been for the glory of God, and we thank HIM for choosing us and trusting us for such a time as this.

Our first official service (which was the Sunday following our ordination and installation) consisted of a grand total of two people. Yes, it was just the two of us. Every single pew in the edifice was empty, but we carried out worship as though the church was full. We had the same experience the following week. In fact, we did this for several Sundays. Being that we live roughly 100 miles from where the church is located, we were unable to do the typical grassroots marketing ministry to make our presence known in the community. So we hit the Internet, using Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram as our primary ministry tools.  It took some time, but we started to see the fruit of our dedication, diligence, and dollars. Slowly but surely, God began drawing souls and adding to our Deliverance Revival Church family.

We can still recall the Sunday morning that we picked up a sister who had learned of our church through social media and was visiting with us for the second time. As we pulled into the parking lot of the church, she said to us, "One at a time. They're going to join the church one at a time." We had no idea that she was going to be that "one" who would connect with us on that same day. And true enough, since that time, members have been joining... and for the most part, they've come one at a time. The enemy has fought and continues to fight us (that's his job, and he does it well) but as we continue to lay before God, HE continues to give us the victory (that's HIS job, and HE does it better).

The scripture tells us in the New Living Translation (NLT) of Zachariah 4:10, "Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin..." We have a heart for God and we are genuine in our worship and our faith. So even though we don't have a full house (yet) we are more than thankful for those who have become a part of our church, where our motto is: Strong Faith. Strong Family. Strong Fellowship. Every time we come together, we commit to building an atmosphere where those three ingredients are felt in all that we do. Everyone who has connected to us over the past twelve months hasn't stayed. Members have come, and members have gone (as is the case for all churches), but we've increased more than we've decreased, and far more have stayed than have left. And this is only our beginning. As we move forward, we continue to see with our VISION (our faith) and not with our sight (our physical eyes). And our vision tells us that our latter shall be far greater than our former!

On July 15th and 16th, we will officially celebrate the first anniversary of Deliverance Revival Church and our first anniversary as pastors of this great work. Our theme scripture is John 14:21: He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him. And our theme for the occasion is: "The Best Is Yet To Manifest," because we know that the Lord is doing a marvelous thing in our midst. Our best is not yet to come. Our best already here; we are simply awaiting the manifestation of it all.

To help us commemorate the occasion, we have two dynamic speakers coming to share the Word with us during our celebratory weekend; both of whom have played significant roles in our lives as individuals and as pastors. Bishop Ann L. Hardman, Chief Apostle of Faith Worship Center International and Bishop H.H. Norman, Chief Apostle of Revival Church Incorporated. It's going to be a Spirit-filled weekend of worship, fellowship, and the Word!

Everyone is invited and encouraged to attend. We know that there will be a great move of God...

~ From the hearts of Pastors Michael & Kendra Holmes

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